
Writing - Creating Opening Paragraphs

Purpose of this task:
  1. To think critically about the opening paragraphs of stories by reading examples and completing exercises
  2. Create an intriguing opening paragraph for your survival story that captures the reader's interest
Exercise 1:
  • What triggered his intrigue in this ad?
  • Why was he waiting in this reception area?
  • In what way does this magazine ad effect him?
Exercise 2:
  • What object or challenge lies in their way?
  • Why must they negotiate or overcome this object?
Using Unusual Words
Unsure of... waif, limpid

Definintions: waif defn. a person, especially a child, who has no home or friends. limpiddefn.clear, transparent, or pellucid, as water, crystal, or air: We could see to the very bottom of the limpid pond.

Writing Task - write the opening paragraph of your survival story

No longer did the world concern him, or more accurately, no longer did society concern him. This young twenty-something waiter knew, in much confidence, that he had a stake in society and therefore an opinion in what it may concern. May he choose to live a life of solitude, he may, just as justly he may live a life of fantasy.

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