
TV Appearance

As expected, me and my FPS Team Mates were featured on Breakfast at 7:40 on TV 1 this morning. It was no disappointment either, with many people commenting on the quality of the recording. But surprise came later in the day, during the news when they announced we would feature after the break, again!

This one deleted some of the humour of the previous showing, aiming more towards the relevance to the Swine Flu Pandemic. There is also a hope that this will promote the FPS Program, our success in this being the root of the appearance.

I may be able to get it up onto my blog, but there is also a CTV interview found here if you are interested.


FPS Results

If you have been following me on Twitter then you'll know J-138, from Cobham Intermediate in Christchurch placed 2nd at the International Conference. Me and three others, plus a reserve and two coaches completed the travelling team that would eventually beat most 54 competing teams to take the 2nd place trophy.

I'll post pictures as soon as possible, and publish my travel diary when I get over the jet lag. Now the focus goes into this years competition, a goal for my team. If you want to find out more about fps visit: http://fpsnz.co.nz/.

Daniel Coats